Placement guidance for Anaesthetics

Welcome to the Anaesthetics section of the ACCS website. 

During the two years of the ACCS programme you will spend six months in anaesthetics under the supervision of a named clinical supervisor from the anaesthetic dept. If you are not allocated an educational supervisor from your base specialty, please talk to your TPD to change this. During this time, you will concentrate predominantly on the completion of LO7 which is specific to the anaesthetic placement.

In addition to completing LO7, you will also work towards LO3, LO5, LO6 plus the generic LOs 9, 10 and 11 as per the ACCS curriculum. By the end of the anaesthetic placement you will be expected to have reached a minimum level of entrustment for each of these clinical ACCS LOs as detailed in the entrustment matrix.

LO7 involves : 

1.     Successful completion of the Initial Assessment of Competence (IAC)

2.     Successful completion the Anaesthetics Stage 1 Holistic Assessment of Learning Outcomes (HALO) in Procedural Sedation

3.     maintaining an anaesthetic logbook

4.     developing your portfolio

5.     attending the specific tutorials and education sessions as specified by your department.

Specialty Specific Guidance


Internal Medicine