ACCS news and events
Trainer Leads day - Wednesday 7th May 2025
WHERE: Breams Building Chancery Lane, WC2A 1EN, London (5min walk Chancery Lane, Central Line, 15min walk Farringdon and Blackfriars)
WHEN: 9am - 5pm Wednesday 7th May 2025
WHO: All ACCS leads and trainers are invited
WHAT: An exciting all-day event including updates, presentations, and open discussions.
More information including registration and programme to follow.
ACCS CASE CHRONICLES - 24th April 2025 6:30pm
In case you missed our February session, here's a reminder:
What is it?
An educational evening that will comprise of:
• An interesting case presentation by a current ACCS trainee
• Senior Registrar/Consultant teaching relating to the topic covered in the case presentation
• The opportunity to ask the ACCS trainee reps questions about training, portfolio etc.
• Held the last Thursday of every month - next session Thursday 24th April at 18:30.
• We expect the sessions to last 1.5 hours.
• The sessions will be held virtually via Medall.
• For those presenting, you will receive a certificate for an oral presentation at a national meeting. For those attending, this will be an educational evening with certificate of attendance provided, plus an opportunity to meet fellow ACCS trainees and your trainee reps!
Interested in Attending?
Please register for the event via this link:
Or scan the QR code at the bottom of this email.
(Registrations were full for last event. Sign up soon so you don't miss out!)
Case Presentation this Month:
We received lots of fantastic case submissions for our February event. Due to the number of high caliber submissions, we have selected a case from the those already submitted for our April event.
Interested in Presenting?:
We are now requesting submissions for our May event.
Please submit a 200-300 word summary of your case by midnight on Thursday 8rth May via this link:
Thank you so much - we can’t wait to see you on the 24th April!
For submissions or queries, contact us at ACCSCASECHRONICLES@GMAIL.COM
Best wishes,
Flora, Rishi, Izzy, Louise, Charlotte & Dapo
ACCS Trainee Representatives
The ACCS Trainee Reps are very excited to announce new monthly education evenings - ACCS CASE CHRONICLES
What is it?
An educational evening that will comprise of:
An interesting case presentation by a current ACCS trainee
Senior Registrar/Consultant teaching relating to the topic covered in the case presentation
The opportunity to ask the ACCS trainee reps questions about training, portfolio etc.
When is it?
Held the last Thursday of every month - *first session Thursday 27th February at 18:30. *
We expect the sessions to last 1.5 hours.
Where is it?
The sessions will be held virtually via Medall.
If you are interested in presenting, this will qualify as a National Oral Presentation.
For those attending, this will be an educational evening with certificate of attendance provided, plus an opportunity to meet fellow ACCS trainees and your trainee reps!
Interested in Attending?
Please register for the event via this link by 20th February, 2025 via link below:
Interested in Presenting?
Please submit a 200-300 word summary of your case by Thursday 6th February 17:00 via this link:
For submissions or queries, contact us at ACCSCASECHRONICLES@GMAIL.COM
Rishi, Flora, Izzy, Louise, Dapo and Charlotte
ACCS Trainee Representatives