ACCS Emergency Medicine Trainees 

ACCS trainees with Emergency Medicine (EM) as their parent specialty complete the first two years of ACCS training alongside ACCS Anaesthetic and Internal Medicine trainees, spending six months in each of four placements - Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine. 

ACCS EM trainees then complete a third year of training at Intermediate level in Emergency Medicine with a focus on trauma and Paediatric Emergency Medicine. Following successful completion of Intermediate Training, EM trainees on run-through training move into Higher Specialty Training (HST) without the need to compete for ST4 posts whilst those not on run-through will need to apply for competitive recruitment into HST. 


Details regarding the Kaizen e-portfolio for EM trainees are available from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine website below: 


There is no mandatory requirement for exam progress during the two core years of ACCS for any ACCS trainees. In order to successfully complete Intermediate Training, EM trainees are required to have completed the MRCEM examination before being allowed to commence Training. Trainees who have already completed previous FRCEM Intermediate examination are also eligible. In addition, trainees are required to complete the three life support courses – ALS, ATLS, and APLS (or equivalent) and to have undertaken level 3 safeguarding children training before HST. 

See the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) website for more information regarding examinations: