Welcome to the national training website for the Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) specialty training programme
ACCS Training
ACCS training is a broad-based training programme that equips trainee doctors with the skills and capabilities required to recognise and undertake initial management of the acutely unwell patient.
It is the only core training programme for doctors in training wishing to enter Higher Specialty Training in Emergency Medicine and is is an alternative core training programme for doctors in training, wishing to enter Higher Specialty Training in Anaesthetics, and any of the specialties listed on the JRCPTB website.
The first two years are spent rotating through six month placements in Emergency Medicine (EM), Internal Medicine (IM), Anaesthetics, and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM).
The third and fourth years are spent in the doctor in training’s chosen parent specialty, undertaking training to meet the requirements for entry into Higher Specialty Training.
Please be aware that local Deanery requirements may be different to those specified here which are based on the ACCS curriculum and current guidance. If in doubt please check with your Educational Supervisor.
This website is endorsed by the Intercollegiate Committee for Acute Care Common Stem Training; find out more about the ICACCST.
If you are currently training in ACCS, or are a doctor planning to apply for ACCS training, you will find the relevant information and resources on this website.

Recruitment to ACCS
Recruitment for ACCS is handled by each parent specialty, therefore the parent specialty should be chosen before applying. For details regarding the rules governing ACCS recruitment please consult the appropriate parent specialty webpages: